Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm back!

Well after a problem with access to several sites and a return to school, I am finally able to get here and post!  Of course, I haven't been very prolific during that time *hangs head*.  In fact, quite lazy!  In any case, here is a little of what has been happening.

Cappuchin is nearing two and we have hit the full on tantrum stage!  I think we have about 50% happy vs 50% tantrum at the moment.  I really dislike this stage, he can't talk - only scream and cry.  I want to join him in the scream and cry but that is counter productive.  So, he spends a fair bit of time in his cot, calming down.  The word "no" will set him off faster than a fox after a jack rabbit!  So, I managed to capture a happy moment the other day.  Sitting in the back of the car while we waited to pick up Spidermonkey - soaking up the sun and playing with his new sunglasses:

Today I saw these on the living room floor and thought - "how cute!"  and "how long will he be that small?".  Not long if his brother is anything to go by!  I just love these little shoes:

AND I got crafty over the last few days.  I can't show you any finished products because they are for people who haven't received them yet but I can show you some "sneak peaks"!  Here is the first: 
Lots of bling, shimmer and ink!  I had fun with this one, although it is a CAS'd card from Doodlebop on SplitCoast Stampers.  And then I played with ink and my Color Me papers from Hot Off the Press.  I used lots of blues from ClearSnap Colorbox and Tim Holtz Distress.  I finished it off with some Vanilla Smooch Spritz to give it a shine!  Don't know what I will use it for but I'm sure I'll find something!

So, I hope to have more for you shortly - soon as I kick this lurgey!

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